Friday, 22 August 2014

Monday, 11 August 2014

Thursday, 7 August 2014

Cocktails n' Canvas

As a recent and ongoing endeavor of mine, Cocktails n Canvas has given me the opportunity to share my talent and skills across the GTA. Instructing these social events has only deepened my passion for fine art. Here are some samples..make sure to check out the website for more details and events listings

WAVES, 16 x 20
Acrylic on Canvas

Acrylic on Canvas

Acrylic on Canvas

In the Swing of things

Its been awhile since my last post, life has a funny way of distracting and keep one busy. None the less I've got the gears turning once more and the creativity flowing. New work is to follow, both traditional and digital as I'm working with both. I'm excited, so stay tuned!